COBB Tuning Distributor & Nissan GTR Pro Tuner/COBB BMW Pro Tuner/Mazda Pro Tuner

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nissan GTR R35 Gearbox Weird Problem

Past Few Weeks.. there's a car come with the Towing with a weirdo gearbox issued. The car cant be drive ..At the display meter the indicator of gearbox problem appeared.when u enter D the car wont move at all. The best PART there's no fault code or error at the CONSULT showing. *PENING*, If there's any could things going to be easier. .. So my brain start to think what and where should i start to diagnose. Alhamdullilah after few hours cracking my head we managed to solved it ...AMIN


  1. Bos, bos mmg hal sttle small problem cam ni...

  2. May I know how u solve it
