Making hole for bonnet clip
Bonet clip Install
2 nissan gtr gearbox :)
Salam Ramadhan to all of you,
Since HARI RAYA is coming,We had a very very busy month here serving all of our customers from all around malaysia. Kindly appreciate for your support. Recently we had a car with the transmission problem. The car can be drive without any check light appeared at the dashboard. Except sometimes when it's cold the 2nd gear will rev up abit higher than normal before it engage to the 3rd gear.Problem only happen once in a while when it's cold. For the GTR transmission this is not normal. Alhamdullilah after brain storming and inspection of the internal transmission parts ATS Team managed to rectify the problem. We also encounter the steering lock issue in this month. For MR. Hong and frens from sarawak thank you for dropping by our shop . Really appreciate.